Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction and problems like vaginal laxity can take a toll on your day-to-day life and your sexual intimacy. Dr. Srisawai Pattamakom is a highly qualified OB/GYN offering solutions and compassionate and personalized care at Ideal Women’s Health Specialists in Ventura, California. Dr. Pattamakom provides in-office procedures with no anesthetics to effectively correct stress incontinence, vaginal laxity, and much more. Learn more and book your personal consultation or call Ideal Women’s Health Specialists today.

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Q and A about Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

What is pelvic floor dysfunction?

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a medical condition involving the inability to correctly relax and tighten the pelvic floor muscles to have a bowel movement. Symptoms include urine or stool leakage, constipation, and a frequent urge to urinate. The pelvic floor refers to a group of muscles in the floor of the pelvic area. These muscles effectively support the organs in your pelvic area, and some form a sling around the vagina and rectum. Pelvic floor dysfunction might be caused by injuries to the pelvic area, such as an accident, and complications from childbirth might contribute to this condition. Some cases might be due to repetitive straining of the muscles and improper muscle coordination.

What treatments are available for pelvic floor dysfunction?

Dr. Pattamakom might suggest various treatments for your pelvic floor dysfunction, such as:

  • Medications, such as muscle relaxants
  • Healthy lifestyle modifications, such as stress management, appropriate regular exercise, and a nutrient-dense diet
  • Physical rehabilitation and targeted exercises
  • Behavior changes, such as avoiding straining or pushing when urinating and having a bowel movement
  • Drinking appropriate amounts of fluid
  • Other methods, such as yoga and warm baths
  • Biofeedback
  • Minimally invasive procedures when necessary, such as surgery to support the uterus or vagina

Dr. Pattamakom offers highly effective in-office procedures with no anesthetics to correct stress incontinence, vaginal laxity, and other conditions.

What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Dr. Pattamakom treats various conditions and complications, including pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic organ prolapse is the more general term referring to the weakening or loosening of the muscles and tissues supporting the pelvic organs: bladder, uterus, or rectum. This causes one or more of the pelvic organs to fall, press, or drop into or out of the vagina. Bladder prolapse The bladder is held in place by a hammock or curved band of supportive pelvic floor tissues and muscles. When these tissues become weakened or stretched the bladder can drop out of place and bulge through this layer and into the vagina. Vaginal prolapse With vaginal prolapse, the vagina expands or stretches to protrude on other structures or organs. Vaginal prolapse usually doesn’t involve just the vagina. Uterine prolapse Uterine prolapse happens when the uterus descends into or toward the vagina. The uterus can protrude from the vaginal opening in some cases. Rectal prolapse Rectal prolapse involves the rectum and the loss of the normal attachments inside the body, allowing the rectum to telescope out through the anus, almost turning it inside out. Vaginal laxity Vaginal laxity is the term for looseness and loss of elasticity in the vagina and vaginal tissues. The condition is associated with childbirth, menopause, hormones, and aging. If you have questions or concerns about pelvic floor dysfunction or pelvic organ prolapse, call Ideal Women’s Health Specialists or book online today.

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